Welcome to DigiMaker

DigiMaker is a creative space where new ideas and technologies can be tested, used and shared - a makerspace open to all LiU students and employees.

You are very welcome to visit us, or contact us for more information, biblioteket@liu.se.

During semesters we try to offer drop-in on Thursdays 12-14 at Campus Valla so you can try out VR, do some crafting or ask us about equipment that you can borrow from us.

You can book our 3D printers in the calendar below. To be allowed to use them, you first need to attend an introduction - find the next available date under the heading Workshops.

What we offer

Virtual reality (VR)
Try out VR during our opening ours.

We have one 3D-printer at each DigiMaker. To get access, you first need to attend an introduction.

Digital storytelling
Easy-to-make movies - from storyboard to a finished short movie or audio recording.

Lego is suitable for many purposes: visualizations, prototyping, stop motion and to encourage creativity. We also offer workshops in the method Lego Serious Play (LSP).

Material and equipment for creativity
Traditional crafting supplies, for example beads, paper, colouring pens, glue, a sewing machine and modelling clay.


DigiMaker arrange workshops with different themes. Some workshops you are required to attend in order to use equipment, others are aimed to introduce and inspire to try and use new digital methods and tools.

A calendar with upcoming workshops can be found at DigiMaker - Workshops.

Below you can see the some of the upcoming workshops.

Pictures from DigiMaker

DigiMaker Campus Valla

Studenthuset, plan 5.
Student House, 5th floor.

DigiMaker Campus Norrköping

Kåkenhus, plan 4, Flexsalen.
Kåkenhus, 4th floor, Flexsalen.

Contact Us

Do you, as a teacher, want to include our activities as part of a course? Or, do you as a student want to use our equipment and premises and/or need our help? Please contact us and we will find a solution that suits your needs.

Feel free to come by at our opening hours and talk to us, or contact us at biblioteket@liu.se